Untangled - Simplifying Corporate Compliance
What happens when four compliance and ethics professionals get together virtually during a pandemic lockdown? They discuss the trials and tribulations of their roles, their daily experiences, and all the challenges faced in attempting to build effective compliance and ethics programmes in the pharmaceutical sector. Taking the complex world of compliance, the regulated environment of lifesciences and the confusing world of human behaviour, this podcast aims to distil the daily challenges into simple ideas that can be practically implemented, no matter the size, location or culture of the company in question.
18 episodes
How to Avoid FOMO and Use Data Effectively in your Monitoring...
We all know that "data analytics" and "big data" are supposed to help us with our monitoring but in reality how easy is that to achieve? What do we need to think about to make the data work for us and not have us be slaves to our data?
Season 2
Episode 8

Compliance Monitoring: is this effort worthwhile?
In our latest episode of Untangled, Alex, Stephanie and Jim tackle Compliance monitoring. What is it? What’s the point? Who should do it? In this episode, we consider a monitoring program’s purpose, discuss the value of ‘Live’ monitor...
Season 2
Episode 7

Third Party Compliance Risk - How to Shift The Blame?
Our latest episode of Untangled is on Third Party Due Diligence. Is it all about finding the partner of your dreams (and not being fooled by their nice Tinder profiles) or is it just about getting perfect paperwork and a bit of a "wink wink"? L...
Season 2
Episode 6

How to plan for a compliance investigation on a Friday afternoon?
It's Friday afternoon and you receive an e-mail grenade through the whistleblowing hotline, what do you? In this episode of Untangled we provide practical advice to plan for a compliance investigation, whenever you receive the report.What s...
Season 2
Episode 5

"Speak Up Culture": can we move past dated "hotlines" and tacky posters?
Welcome back to Untangled, the podcast that takes the complex world of compliance and simplifies it.The topic for today chat is "speak up culture" - probably the most forgotten element that has largely been about checking a regulatory b...
Season 2
Episode 4

Compliance Training - Effective, Practical, Boring, Useless?
We're letting you in to a little-known secret on this week's episode... Compliance training doesn't have to be dull! There, we said it. In fact, the less dull you make it the more people might learn! So, this week we d...
Season 2
Episode 3

Policies - How to make them Exciting to Read?
What is your reaction when you hear that a new policy has been released? Chances are you are not overwhelmed with anticipation, desperate to read it as if it were the next Harry Potter. Well, I don’t think we’re ever going to get to...
Season 2
Episode 2

Can you Measure Compliance Programme Effectiveness?
Untangled, the podcast that takes the complex world of compliance and simplifies it.We thought the easiest topic to start Season 2 would be about measuring compliance programme effectiveness. Can you do it? Should you do it?...
Season 2
Episode 1

Season 2 Introduction
So one year later, we finally managed to create Untangled - Season 2, the podcast that takes the complex world of compliance and simplifies it. Tune in for new episodes starting next Monday and find out if Alex has actually killed ...
Season 2
Episode 0

Is "Playing By The Rules" Always Good For Business?
Some say that rules are there to be broken, others that they get in the way of progress. In Compliance, we’re often seen as the gatekeeper of the rules and a can sometimes be labelled as barriers to success - burdening businesses with bureaucra...
Season 1
Episode 9

Can Compliance Programme be Designed to Empower People?
Rules, rules, rules... Policies, SOPs, manuals and guardrails... This is how we often perceive compliance - daunting and uninspiring. And that is because many programmes are created as such (perhaps for all the right reasons?).<...
Season 1
Episode 8

How can compliance professionals leverage technology?
As we go through the 4th industrial revolution, how can compliance professionals leverage new digital opportunities? Listen to this episode to hear some practical examples for how technology has been used by compliance professionals in the past...
Season 1
Episode 7

"It Wasn't Me!" - Is There Always Someone to Blame for Rule-Breaking?
Some Compliance & Ethics professionals might like to think of themselves as superheroes, flying in to save the day and rescue the company from the dastardly plans of everyday corporate villainy. In reality, episodes of wrong-doing are...
Season 1
Episode 6

Why Don't People Like Compliance Officers?
They are often dubbed as "business blockers", "NO! people", and "worse than lawyers". They rarely have a popular table at a company's Christmas party. They walk down the corridor and other people start speaking quieter or leave the ...
Season 1
Episode 5

Why Don't People Speak Up?
Have you seen Erin Brokovich? Ever watched Line of Duty? Then you may be wondering yourself why anyone would ever "blow the whistle". In this episode, Jim, Alex and Stephanie discuss the whys and wherefores as to how to create...
Season 1
Episode 4

Why is Compliance Important to You?
Are some people destined to become compliance managers? Or is it a job where many end up by accident? Let’s talk about why we like working in compliance, why this role is important for the business, and what skills make a gr...
Season 1
Episode 3

Why Does Compliance Training Suck?
Your heart sinks, you just received an automated email informing you that it’s time for some mandatory compliance training. Why must you suffer through this? What did you do wrong? Never mind, perhaps you'll just be able to click "s...
Season 1
Episode 2

What Is The Compliance Function All About?
Alex is having an existential crisis - he's worked in Compliance & Ethics in the pharmaceutical sector for years but woke up this morning and suddenly wondered why. In this episode of Untangled, Stephanie and Andriy help Alex ...
Season 1
Episode 1